Members of the MDRU project from the Philippines and Japan attended the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan to discuss the MDRU and its applications to disaster situations and how the unit can be implemented to help developing countries in disaster management.
A small team from the Philippines partner to the project CVISNET attended the conference and gave a presentation on the MDRU at the Disaster Resilient ICT Symposium by Mr. Jeffrey Llanto Executive Director at CVISNET Foundation. His presentation discussed the findings of the MDRU and the benefits of the Unit in the Philippines and to other possible developing nations.
The event was a great highlight of the project, as the teams were able to showcase the MDRU to government agencies and private firms around the world, on the importance of data telecommunication services, during and after a disaster situation to help mitigate risk.
The MDRU from the Philippines where also invited to visit the NICT (National Institute of Information, Communication and Technology). Showcasing key technologies that NICT is researching and developing to help with risk reduction across Japan with the MDRU project being one of the key project.